5 Facts you should know about WebRTC Mobile App Development

WebRTC is a coming-of-age technology used in building simple and secure Real-Time Communication (RTC) applications. You can build apps for web browsers, computers, and smartphones using WebRTC.
The tech debuted in 2011 and has been gaining steady popularity since. The worldwide lockdown in 2020 underlined how WebRTC technology can completely change workspaces and the way we work. This skyrocketed the popularity of the technology like never before.
What made WebRTC so popular? WebRTC makes real-time communication simple and accessible. Big enterprises choose WebRTC due to its top-notch security features. Your data is always safe to share through WebRTC apps. The tech works in a way that minimizes the chances of web spying (more on this later).
Here are 5 facts about WebRTC mobile app development you should know if you want a WebRTC mobile app:
A Brand New Communication Standard for the Web-Based World
WebRTC is a communication standard. It has completely changed the way we perceive communication. This HTML5 specification brought communication through audio and video into smartphones and browsers. It is not only live AV communication, WebRTC allows client systems to send any arbitrary file to each other.
How does WebRTC make real-time communication possible? WebRTC apps control microphones and cameras of connected devices. This allows seamless real-time Audio-Video calls between two or a group of clients.

Undoubtedly, we always needed such a technology in a widespread stature. WebRTC delivered our precise needs. WebRTC apps let us have live meetings, attend webinars, take classes, and much more from our phones and computers. This helped globalized, collaborative work and entertainment much more accessible.
The accessibility factor is further amplified as WebRTC apps function seamlessly through fluctuating media conditions. WebRTC apps negotiate among varying media types and endpoints. This in turn enables avoiding connection blockages.
WebRTC Bypasses Third-party Servers to give Highest Security
WebRTC apps function by allowing peer-to-peer connections among client systems. Once established, this connection does not rely on any third-party server. This makes data sharing through WebRTC apps very secure.
How do WebRTC apps bypass third-party servers? Initially, a third-party signaling server helps establish a secure connection between client devices. This connection can be among two or more client devices. The connecting devices exchange media configuration data through SDEs. Connecting devices share ICE candidates containing their network information. ICE candidates or Interactive Connectivity Establishment configurations are a part of the WebRTC API. ICE candidates describe the routing and protocol necessary for WerRTC to establish communication with a client device. They help establish RTCPeerConnection, a secure peer-to-peer connection. Once established, the connection is maintained without the involvement of any external server.

There are more security measures in WebRTC that help minimize threats to your data. WebRTC follows DTLS-SRTP to increase the security measures of the apps. SRTP stands for Secure Real-time Transport Protocol. WebRTC implements SRTP to encrypt data and ensure message authentication and data integrity. It also renders protection from cyber-attacks and spying.
Complete Interoperability Across Many Platforms
Interoperability refers to the ability of devices to inter-communicate. That is the exchange and access of data within a connected network of devices. Needless to say, interoperability is a must for RTC apps.
WebRTC has been working on improving interoperability across platforms since its start. Google developed and launched WebRTC in 2011. There have been several hurdles since then to make the technology fully interoperable. Issues involving Microsoft and Apple not approving of the tech caused hindrances.

At the present, WebRTC has complete interoperability across all browsers. It is also rather simple to take a WebRTC web app and integrate it into a mobile application. This means, irrespective of the browser you use, or the configuration of your device, you can connect to other devices through WebRTC apps. This makes WebRTC apps further accessible and adaptable.
You read that right, WebRTC is completely free of cost for everyone. Be it for private or commercial uses, there is no charge for using the technology to develop RTC apps. The above factors have contributed more to the popularity of WebRTC, but this does add a cherry on top. It is a robust technology that comes free of cost, why not use it?
Apart from being free of charge, WebRTC is also an open-source project. This makes the platform have a vibrant community of developers supporting it. New features, upgrades, and troubleshooting appear regularly within the community.
WebRTC is the most used Technology for Communication Apps
WebRTC had a whopping 2.73 billion USD market share in 2019. Since then it experienced a skyrocketing demand in 2020 due to the global lock-down. Their CAGR forecast is 43.5% by 2027.

Growth of WebRTC during 2020-2021
WebRTC apps are now the first choice in real-time communication across web-connected devices. WebRTC apps allow real-time audio and video calling among client devices. They also have functionalities like file transfer and sharing, and direct messaging. They can conduct events, meetings, and conferences. All these are high-demand functionalities at the moment.
Global enterprises have adopted WebRTC apps to enhance their workspace and business. Leading real-time communication apps like Google Meet, Discord, Snapchat, and Skype, use WebRTC technology. It is popular among gaming and M&E platforms. They use WebRTC to offer users real-time communication during gaming or streaming videos. It is also adopted by social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.
WebRTC is the current big thing in communications technology. This JavaScript API enjoys the leading status for fair reasons. It offers glitch-free real-time communication which is also secure. You have probably heard of WebRTC tons of times if you have planned to have a mobile app for web-based live communication. Now you know five more things about this trailblazing technology to help you decide if you want your own WebRTC mobile app. If you do want your own WebRTC mobile app, the best way to get it is by partnering with us! Our expert team of developers prioritises all your needs and ideas to build you an ultimate custom WebRTC mobile application. That too at a blazing fast speed like WebRTC.

Sam took the long path into the world of IT. A post-grad in Bioinformatics, she started coding to build better programs for protein sequencing. Currently, Sam actively writes blogs for 4 Way Technologies. She's always excited about all the new technologies and updates in software development. Sam also writes coding tutorials and beginners guides for, well, beginners.